Strobes and Light Shapers - How Do You Choose?

Strobes and Light Shapers - How Do You Choose?

Choosing speed lights or strobes or light shapers should not be harder than it is, yet it is made challenging particularly given the amount of BS being shovelled around on these subjects. Avoid stepping in something lousy by checking out this article

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When You Hear Shutter Speed, what do you think of first?

When You Hear Shutter Speed, what do you think of first?

Hey folks. Simple question to start us off. If I say “shutter speed” to you, what is the first thing you think of?

Answers of course vary, but the most popular answers relate to a) prevent camera shake and b) stop motion. Neither is wrong. but the challenge with commonality is that it is so darn common. As photography is a visual art form, let’s look at how we think about shutter speed informs us as to how we see things.

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Embracing Film

Embracing Film

It sure looks like a lot of photographers are including film photography as part of their engagement. For those of us who started in film, this is very interesting, at least it is for me. Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of shooting film in the third decade of the 21st century.

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Ten Top Photographer Tips - from a top session guitarist

Ten Top Photographer Tips - from a top session guitarist

Music and photography are quite similar, so this article’s tips are drawn from tips for musicians from an interview with Bill Frisell in the September 2022 issue of Guitar Player magazine.

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Encouraging the New Photographer

Encouraging the New Photographer

How do we encourage the new photographer? Particularly when the teacher has been doing photography for some time. The challenge of course is to facilitate knowledge transfer without boring the new photographer to death or worse make photography sound so complex and tedious that the new photographer decides that it’s the equivalent of TL:DR

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Telephoto Lenses for Landscapes

Telephoto Lenses for Landscapes

Has it ever happened that you made a landscape image because you were blown away by what you saw but when you got home, the image felt flat and unimpressive, maybe even forgettable? You aren’t alone and learn how to prevent this from happening

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Simple Soft Lighting At Home On a Budget

Simple Soft Lighting At Home On a Budget

I’m often asked how to get really nice soft light while photographing in the home without needing a ton of space or hundreds of dollars in gear. In this article, I am going to give you a couple of options that are very inexpensive, and that anyone can use to get really nice soft light for photography.

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