To UV or Not to UV - That is the question!

To UV or Not to UV - That is the question!

I wanted to address a question that comes into me fairly regularly and it pertains to the use and need for UV or protective filters. It’s a recurring question as folks buying new cameras and new lenses get the full court press to buy a filter, so let’s figure out if this is necessary.

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Understanding Print File DPI Requirements

Understanding Print File DPI Requirements

Selecting the correct dots per inch value when printing your own photos directly or for preparing a print file to send to an external printer is very important. There is a lot of chatter on the Internet that says choose 300 dpi, set and forget. For small prints, this makes sense, but will result in large files and significant use of ink unnecessarily for larger prints. It behooves any photographer who prints to understand DPI and how to determine the optimal settings.

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Neutral Density Filters for Video

Neutral Density Filters for Video

Cinematographers used neutral density filters for a very long time for a very simple reason. The ISO / ASA of the film stock was fixed, and the cameras had a stock shutter angle, leaving the only variable the iris. Still photographers call this the aperture. These requirements persist with video, so let’s learn how to address this with ND filters

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Strobes and Light Shapers - How Do You Choose?

Strobes and Light Shapers - How Do You Choose?

Choosing speed lights or strobes or light shapers should not be harder than it is, yet it is made challenging particularly given the amount of BS being shovelled around on these subjects. Avoid stepping in something lousy by checking out this article

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Have a Look at Adobe Express

Have a Look at Adobe Express

Once upon a time, there was this thing called Adobe Express. Then it vanished to be replaced by something else. Which got replaced by something else. See a pattern? Then there was Adobe Spark. Then Spark was gone, and replaced by the reincarnation of Adobe Express. In classic Adobe style, it’s naming is confusing and so is its purpose. I’d like to try to help with that.

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