The Photo Video Guy

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The Book : How To Shoot Video That Doesn't Suck by Steve Stockman

I was doing a seminar today called Intro to DSLR Video, hosted by Henry's Newmarket.  We had a marvellous turnout and the folks really wanted to learn more about making great video with their cameras.  We spent most of the session on how-to and gear, but a couple asked about a good book on the subject.  So I recommended Steve Stockman's In my opinion, this is one of the greatest cut the crap, get to the point books on how to make interesting videos.  There's little techno-babble and tons of useful guidance on how to shoot video that will not make your audience want to shove forks into their eyes.

I recommend it highly and if you buy it from Amazon through the link below, you help support The Photo Video Guy.