The Photo Video Guy

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Making It Easier To Get Our Content

I wanted to thank the folks who have taken the time to write me suggesting that it would be cool if there was a way for readers and podcast listeners to get updated when new content was made available.

So as of right now, I've updated the site in a couple of ways to make that work more efficiently.  I've had RSS links in the sidebar, but I didn't know that sometimes they came up like ugly XML files.  Now they come up nice and clean using the Feedburner service from Google and this makes them really easy to add to your favourite RSS reader, which can of course be your browser.  I'm personally a big fan of Reeder 3 for the Mac, but there are lots of options.  What's important is that there are two RSS feeds for The Photo Video Guy.  One for the articles / blogs section and one for the podcast, so you can subscribe to either or both if you choose to do so.

RSS isn't the only way to ensure you get new content.  At the top of the blog and podcast pages there is now a form where you can sign up to receive an email whenever a new article or podcast goes live.  There are two separate lists, so you choose only what you want to receive an email about.  Your email address is NEVER shared with anyone, and you can unsubscribe at any time.  I am  following the requirements for email subscriptions so when you subscribe, you will receive an email requesting confirmation of your request before your email goes into the secure storage area.  

I hope that these enhancements will improve your enjoyment of The Photo Video Guy.