Episode 143 : Subscription vs Perpetual Licenses

Episode 143 : Subscription vs Perpetual Licenses

Hey folks. In this episode Gordon and I talk about the pros and cons around the two primary means of licensing software. This is a recurring topic of discussion for some folks. We don’t expect to change your mind, that you choose to do for yourself, but hope to offer perspectives that you may not have considered

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Episode 142 : The Myth of Underexposure

Episode 142 : The Myth of Underexposure

Welcome to episode 142. This time Gordon and I chat about the myth of underexposure producing richer colour and better images in your digital photos. It’s not just a myth, it’s factually the wrong approach. Listen in to learn how to achieve the best looking images.

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Episode 139 : Resolutions for 2022

Episode 139 : Resolutions for 2022

While 2021 is not yet over, we’re doing our last podcast of 2021 and Gordon and I decided to talk about our resolutions as photographers and videographers for 2022. We don’t expect things to be much different next year from a getting out perspective, COVID being unlikely to head off to a different planet, but we have been thinking about how we might approach our process a bit differently.

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Episode 135 : Infinity and Beyond?

How do I focus at infinity in the dark? How come the lenses on my digital autofocus camera appear to focus past infinity? Is that even possible? What is beyond infinity? Am I crossing a multiverse boundary?

Listen in to Gordon and Ross to find answers to these interesting and troubling questions.

Episode 126 : Planning Your Photographic Day Trip

Episode 126 : Planning Your Photographic Day Trip

Hi folks, Apologies that we've been absent for a bit. That’s all Ross’ fault as he went and got sick enough to warrant a hospital stay. More fool he.

In this episode, Gordon takes us through his best practices for planning a photographic day trip. This has been an evolving process and there is plenty to learn from his methods.

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