12 Tips for Great People Photographs (and a couple of PRO SECRETS!)

12 Tips for Great People Photographs (and a couple of PRO SECRETS!)

All photographers make images of people. Most often, these photos are of family or friends, simple casual photos that make lasting memories. This time, I’m going to give you my top simple tips for great people photos. Turn snapshots into great shots!

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Understanding Print File DPI Requirements

Understanding Print File DPI Requirements

Selecting the correct dots per inch value when printing your own photos directly or for preparing a print file to send to an external printer is very important. There is a lot of chatter on the Internet that says choose 300 dpi, set and forget. For small prints, this makes sense, but will result in large files and significant use of ink unnecessarily for larger prints. It behooves any photographer who prints to understand DPI and how to determine the optimal settings.

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