Too Much Noise About Noise

Too Much Noise About Noise

How many times have you heard a photographer complain about digital noise, but if it had not been mentioned, you would never have noticed, and if you did notice, it was irrelevant if you enjoyed the image? The time is past where this nonsense needed to be beaten to a pulp.

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PERSPECTIVES : Why AI is Often Synonymous With BS

PERSPECTIVES : Why AI is Often Synonymous With BS

The buzzword in photographic editing is AI or Artificial Intelligence. Sorry mirrorless lovers, Mirrorless is no longer the buzzword of the year. AI sounds all marvellous and such but are these software packages really artificial intelligence, or are they really just a package of more sophisticated algorithms. Or worse, are they encodings of popular looks to be found on Social Media.

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Photolemur : A Quick Look

Photolemur : A Quick Look

I’ve had a good working affiliate relationship with the folks at Skylum since they started up as Macphun. I like their products and appreciate the attitude that they bring to the marketplace. They’ve got an AI based tool expected in September of 2018 and allowed me to work with a prerelease version for this article. Please note that I am working with early code, and more features and functions may appear in the shipping product. As I write this, it’s preorder only with an MSRP of $55.

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Revisiting HDR - Returning to Photomatix Pro

Revisiting HDR - Returning to Photomatix Pro

Hey gang.  It's been a couple of years since the boom time of HDR.  You remember those days, lots of electric, oversaturated, haloed images that made your teeth hurt and your eyes burn?  Yeah I thought so.  Fortunately, those days are mostly past, and it might be time to revisit the entire HDR idea, this time with some history under our belts and a better understanding of what we want to achieve.

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Why Do I See Banding on my Prints (Or on my screen!)?

Every now and again, i hear from someone asking me about the appearance of banding in their images.  Most often this appears on a print, but did not appear on the screen image, although when starting with a JPEG original and editing it, banding can appear on the screen as well.

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Can Lightroom CC Enhance Your Lightroom Classic CC Experience?

Can Lightroom CC Enhance Your Lightroom Classic CC Experience?

If you are a committed user of Lightroom Classic CC, is there any use for you of Lightroom CC, not as a replacement, but as another tool in the chest?  I wanted to find out, and was surprised by the outcome.  Read along to learn what I discovered.

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