Too Much Noise About Noise

Too Much Noise About Noise

How many times have you heard a photographer complain about digital noise, but if it had not been mentioned, you would never have noticed, and if you did notice, it was irrelevant if you enjoyed the image? The time is past where this nonsense needed to be beaten to a pulp.

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Have a Look at Adobe Express

Have a Look at Adobe Express

Once upon a time, there was this thing called Adobe Express. Then it vanished to be replaced by something else. Which got replaced by something else. See a pattern? Then there was Adobe Spark. Then Spark was gone, and replaced by the reincarnation of Adobe Express. In classic Adobe style, it’s naming is confusing and so is its purpose. I’d like to try to help with that.

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Do I Need Full Frame?

Do I Need Full Frame?

If there is one comment / question that never gets old is the one that goes along the lines of “should I go to a full frame sensor?” The real question routes to whether you are better suited to a 36mm x 24mm sensor the same as an old 35mm film frame over something smaller.

The answer is always, it depends.

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Embracing Film

Embracing Film

It sure looks like a lot of photographers are including film photography as part of their engagement. For those of us who started in film, this is very interesting, at least it is for me. Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of shooting film in the third decade of the 21st century.

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Ten Top Photographer Tips - from a top session guitarist

Ten Top Photographer Tips - from a top session guitarist

Music and photography are quite similar, so this article’s tips are drawn from tips for musicians from an interview with Bill Frisell in the September 2022 issue of Guitar Player magazine.

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Telephoto Lenses for Landscapes

Telephoto Lenses for Landscapes

Has it ever happened that you made a landscape image because you were blown away by what you saw but when you got home, the image felt flat and unimpressive, maybe even forgettable? You aren’t alone and learn how to prevent this from happening

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