Power for you, power for them - introducing WakaWaka
We are all driven by the need for power for our electronic devices. But what happens when you aren't near grid power? Well my friends, there is power in the sky, and there are plenty of vendors who make solar power chargers, but how many of them also bring power to areas where the word "grid" has no meaning?That's what WakaWaka and the WakaWaka Foundation is all about.
The Waka Waka is a solar charged battery system. It is small, in a real world tough casing, available in black or yellow. 12 hours of sunlight brings it to a full charge. Not only can you charge your mobile device off it, (an iPhone 5s charges from dead to full in 2 hours) you can also use it for supplemental light from 5 to 75 lumens delivered by high efficiency LEDs. At low power, the WakaWaka can generate light for 150 hours on a full charge. It also has a convenient tilter holder.
When John Charbonneau of Nadel Enterprises Inc. (Canadian Distributor) was showing me the device he was literally pounding the countertop with it.
About the WakaWaka Foundation
The idea here is to support folks living in areas of energy poverty, such as Haiti, Syria and Kenya. The deal is pretty simple. If you buy a WakaWaka power system, someone in a WakaWaka supported area gets their own power system. They are working around the world already as you can see in this map. Obviously the numbers are growing every day.
You can learn more about the WakaWaka Foundation at their website.
Now to really make a difference, you need to buy one. At least. You can certainly purchase the WakaWaka power system online through the website, but if you live in Canada, you can also get one at Henry's At this spring's Exposure show, Nadel was showing off the WakaWaka and customers could purchase one from the onsite Henry's staff. If you missed it, no problem. The black one is SKU 586NAD001 and the yellow is 586NAD002 and either one is $99.99.
You need portable power and light, so do folks elsewhere in the world, so get your own WakaWaka and put one in the hands of someone who desperately needs power.