Episode 84 : Staying Motivated with Coaching from Rick Sammon - Part 1

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Staying motivated or getting reenergized when the motivation to make work has diminished hits all of us sooner or later.  This episode, I am joined by the incredible educator, mentor and friend, Mr. Rick Sammon.  I knew of Rick long before I met him and have respected his work and teachings for more years than I can count.  Rick agreed to join me on the podcast, and wanted to discuss motivation as it is near and dear to him.  I am very fortunate to know such a great man.

If you do not know Rick, you are missing out.  He is not only a great workshop leader, he has numerous courses on Kelby One, has written 28 books and is a frequent speaker at Photoshop World.  Find out more about Rick at his site ricksammon.com

This is only part one of our conversation.  The second part will appear in Episode 85.  Listen now, and check back for the new episode.