Ep 244 : Sharpening and Noise Reduction

Ep 244 : Sharpening and Noise Reduction

Name two tools that work in opposition to each other and that create both frustration and bloat in post processing. If you said sharpening and noise reduction, you are on the money. There is so much bafflegab and misinformation about them, it’s time to clear the air. If you like what we do here, please become a supporter on Patreon. Your monthly donation makes a big difference.

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Episode 158 : The Evolution of Sharpening and How to Choose Your Tool

Episode 158 : The Evolution of Sharpening and How to Choose Your Tool

One of our listeners wrote in asking for a discussion about sharpening. He was curious about how it worked and what methodologies were out there and how one might use them. We thought that this was an excellent topic for this episode.

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