Episode 165 : Development Presets - Adding Value or Just Wallpaper?

Episode 165 : Development Presets - Adding Value or Just Wallpaper?

Hello listeners. We have a bit of a debate for you this episode regarding development presets. Are they making you a better photographer and editor, or are they just wallpaper to get to an end state without engaging your personal creativity. Opinions abound so please join us to make your own decision

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Episode 162 : How to Choose a Tripod Head

Episode 162 : How to Choose a Tripod Head

A tripod is a combination of two important elements, the leg set and the tripod head. As photography becomes more of a joy, the criticality of a good tripod kit increases, and while choosing a leg set can be straight forward, knowing how to pick the best tripod head for your use cases is more work. In this episode we explore tripod heads and provide clear guidance to inform your decision.

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Episode 158 : The Evolution of Sharpening and How to Choose Your Tool

Episode 158 : The Evolution of Sharpening and How to Choose Your Tool

One of our listeners wrote in asking for a discussion about sharpening. He was curious about how it worked and what methodologies were out there and how one might use them. We thought that this was an excellent topic for this episode.

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