Change Your Copyright Settings for 2016
/Yes, do it today. Like right now. Before you forget.
It's 2016 and while we spend a couple of weeks misdating cheques and other paperwork, let's fix one thing right now.
You probably have, or should have, an Import Metadata setting in your photo and video libraries that set your Copyright information to your images and clips on import. You also have the capability to encode Copyright metadata directly in many cameras.
Guess what? The date is probably wrong.
So first, head into your librarian of choice and modify the import Copyright metadata setting to reference 2016.
Then fire up each of your cameras and change the internal Copyright setting to reflect the current year. Some folks say why bother since you will change the info on import. The reality is that we may shoot a JPEG and transfer it to our smartphone for immediate posting and at that point the Copyright metadata will reflect what is, or what is not, set in the camera.
Oh I know that many services strip away the metadata of your postings on their import. What? You didn't know about that kind of scumsucking behaviour? Well, now you do, and choose your social media accordingly. Or not, your call.
It's your work. Mark it as such.
Until next time, peace.