Medium Format Mirrorless for Street Photography

Medium Format Mirrorless for Street Photography

There's a school of thought for street photography that basically says "hide and be sneaky".  I understand the root of this attitude, the idea being that you will get more authentic images and perhaps more of an emotional charge from sneaking shots of people.

I hate this.  The world has changed in the time since I started photography.  Where in the past, you could walk around with a camera making images and no one cared, today people are much more concerned about being observed and their actions tracked.  That worrying about a single person with a camera when you are tracked by innumerable surveillance cameras that you don't see is, to be blunt, a bit wacky, seems immaterial.  People are rightly concerned about privacy and about how their image may be used.  You may have heard of this thing called the Internet.  Truth and it are not necessarily entwined.

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REVIEW : MAGMOD - Real Innovation in Speed Light Modifiers

REVIEW : MAGMOD - Real Innovation in Speed Light Modifiers

When speed lights aka hot shoe flash became easier to use, we started to see the advent of light shaping tools for speed lights.  These took two forms, the first being relatively portable and directly mounting to the speed light, and those that were downsized from their strobe origins to allow speed lights to be used in ways similar to a strobe, albeit with less power.

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REVIEW : Blackmagic Design URSA Mini Pro

REVIEW : Blackmagic Design URSA Mini Pro

A few weeks ago, I was very fortunate to be able to borrow a new Blackmagic Design URSA Mini Pro 4.6K video camera kit.  The camera is very much in demand, so my hands-on time was limited.  In the time I had it, I used it primarily in the field, shooting off my shoulder but also very briefly in my studio on sticks.  Am I impressed?  Well that's what the review is about.

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A New Solution for Photo and Video Travel from Think Tank Photo

A New Solution for Photo and Video Travel from Think Tank Photo

As creatives, many of us travel to do what we do, and the potential legislation that will prevent the carry on of expensive equipment has many of us concerned.  We're also seeing more airlines behaving in customer hostile ways about what you can actually carry on.  There's a new solution to these issues.  Read on and see what I mean.

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The Photo Video Guy Guide to Exposing to the Right - ETTR

The Photo Video Guy Guide to Exposing to the Right - ETTR

Exposing to the right is a process to maximize the data that is captured in your images.  It is a workflow process best suited to shooting in RAW with the understanding that some post processing will be required.  It also gives you more latitude than your default exposure will deliver in most all cases.

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Another Reason I Spend My Money on Profoto Gear

Another Reason I Spend My Money on Profoto Gear

No matter what level of photographer we are, the cost of gear is a reality that we face.  Most vendors roll over the models with great frequency in the hopes of getting upgrade dollars, when in most recent cases, there has not been a lot of value add to make the upgrade viable.  Profoto takes a different approach by increasing the value of the gear you already have.  How?  Read on.

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Clearing Up the Fog Around ppi, dpi and Printing Services

Clearing Up the Fog Around ppi, dpi and Printing Services

It'stime to review the concepts of this subject again.  When it comes time to make photos ready for print there remains a lot of misinformation that's causing frustration amongst photographers.

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